2021 Expression Session Recap with the Pros
Jessica O’Leary
November 2021
“There’s just nothing better than being outdoors with good friends, shredding rapids… and then there’s obviously the beautiful people, great food, and atmosphere.” – Quirin Rohleder on the UNIT Surf Pool 2021 Expression Session

October 27-28th, UNIT Surf Pool invited a few of the world’s best rapid surfers to surf and enjoy the 10 meter UNIT wave in Milan, Italy. The event was titled an ‘Expression Session’ and that is precisely what occurred, an amazing expressive display of talent and style from some of the world’s best rapid surf athletes. The session featured pros from all walks of life, styles, skills and thrills, all coming together to surf the wave and have a great time.
Legendary Rapid Surfers and founders of the Rapid Surf League, Quirin Rohleder and Christian Bach were in attendance. With them came some of the brightest young athletes in the League, Nicolas Marusa and Sophie Puchta. Lastly and most importantly, Matthias Ramoser, the Soul Surfer of Eisbach, joined as well to bless all in attendance with his timeless style and his contagious zest for life! UNIT packed the house with excited fans and surf enthusiasts to watch and enjoy these amazing pros rip on the wave.
As expected, the surfers did not disappoint, the music was bumping, the sun was shining, all were smiling, and time stood still while all felt an amazing connection to a beautiful moment created by a powerful artificial wave in Milan. A truly incredible concept in and of itself.

“It’s hard finding words to describe the Expression Session. For me, it was just one of these moments where you feel completely at ease with the world and everything around you, like you’re floating. That’s what I love about surfing. Sharing the joy and energy the guys get from the sport was really inspiring for me, seeing how they still reinvent themselves, especially after doing it for such a long time,” commented Sophie Puchta after being asked about her experience at the UNIT Expression Session.
“I absolutely love the UNIT wave in Milano. The most perfect of all the artificial rapids I’ve surfed thus far. The face is wide and high, you can generate a ton of speed, lay in on your rails, swap boards for different experiences, turn up the music to get the party started and have a great time with your friends,” reported Christian Bach after the event!

“The Milano Wave is one of the best artificial waves in the world. The concept from Unit is a perfect and easy way to bring surfing to areas where there are no oceans or rivers that are suitable for rapid waves,” stated Nicolas Marusa when asked about his experience surfing at the Expression Session.
It is certain that the future of rapid surfing is bright! With the growing number of UNIT Surf Pool developments underway globally and access to surfing in more places than ever before. Athletes are pushing the limits of what is possible, they are going bigger and badder, faster and higher, and doing so with such incredible style. It was truly amazing to witness the energy and excitement generated at the UNIT Expression Session.
When asked about the future of Rapid Surfing, Christian Bach explained “We’re bringing people from skateboarding, snowboarding, and surfing together, developing a unique style in rapid surfing and having a great time! It feels like the early 90’s in snowboarding to me and the vibe from back than is definitely worth sharing with kids today.”
Nicolas Marusa is a kid doing just that, developing a unique and incredible style and truly pioneering a new generation of Rapid Surfers. “I started surfing rapid waves over 7 years ago at the infamous Eisbach. Since then, my goal has always been to get the sport to the next level and to push the physical limits of rapid surfing.”
Nicolas Marusa is a two-time German Rapid Surf Champion, so I’d say he’s certainly accomplishing his goals.

“I think the future of this sport is to be defined by the kids feeling the stoke and developing their own style and line on any surfable rapid available. Just as it has been my future, when I first started surfing on the Isar and Eisbach in Munich over 25 years ago” Matthias an OG Eisbach rapid surfer comments on the future of the sport.
Also in attendance were Tony Finn and Jessica O’Leary of Waves & Water “It was a truly incredible experience to have some of the best rapid surfers in the world together to surf on the UNIT wave in Milan. They are taking the sport to new levels, and it is really rewarding to see the UNIT wave help facilitate that progress,” stated Jessica O’Leary
“At UNIT we work incredibly hard to ensure a beautiful, authentic, and respected wave. Getting overwhelmingly positive feedback from these surfers about the wave is what gives us confidence that what we are doing is changing the world for the better! We could not be more proud of our sustainable and authentic innovation in this space. We are creating more opportunities for access to surf than ever before. Thank you all for coming out to celebrate with us!” Hannes Degenhardt, founder of UNIT commented on the Expression Session.
New lines were carved, new tricks were conquered, incredible times were had, and without a doubt all in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the 2021 UNIT Surf Pool Expression Session at Wakeparadise Milano.