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Not tire of doing good: Wellenbezwingen e.V, an independent association from Cologne, is dedicated to fostering the personal growth of children and young people through the power of surfing. In partnership with the UNIT wave facility in Langenfeld, their programs aim to make a lasting, positive impact.


Wellenbezwingen started as a heartfelt initiative by Michael Baldauf. In 2013, he launched the project “Olas de Esperanza” in Costa Rica. His goal was to combine his passion for surfing with the empowerment of children and youth. At the beginning of 2017, Michael transferred this project to local hands. Together with Sunrise e.V, he started “Wellenbezwingen” in Germany. It began as a project with surf clubs and cooperating youth centers in Cologne and Essen. Since 2021 it evolved into a standalone association, offering surf days and weeks to various target groups. Since the association was founded, it has been growing steadily, so that they currently have a pool of around 30 team members.

Teammembers from Wellenbezwingen e.V

At the heart of their mission is the desire, through surfing, to positively impact the lives of children and young people, who often come from difficult circumstances. Everyone faces the same challenges on the wave, for example, fears before they surf the first time, or frustration when they feel like they can’t get any further.

Within the programs, Wellenbezwingen e.V uses these experiences and gives the participants skills on how to deal with these situations on the wave. Furthermore, they transfer the learnings to everyday life challenges.

The programs can led to remarkable positive changes in the children:

  • They have overcome their fear of water
  • They have become more self-confident
  • They have gained confidence and a new perspective on life

Not tire of doing good: Artificial waves for positive impact in lives of children and youth

The vision of Wellenbezwingen e.V  is to make these positive experiences through surfing accessible to more target groups. For the  Cologne-based club, the artificial surf pool in Langenfeld allows offering a regular program without having to travel far. 

“Standing waves also offer us a good framework in terms of safety. We have already been able to implement a project with children and young people with congenital heart defects.”


Wellenbezwingen e.V started collaborating with Surf Langenfeld in 2020, driven by the need for local alternatives for their surfweeks in Holland during the pandemic. The standing UNIT Surf Pool in Langenfeld offered new possibilities: Greater accessibility and faster skill development for the participants. These factors opened up surfing to more children and youth, even allowing for shorter, one-day projects that build confidence through early success.

Refugee surfing UNIT Surf Pool

However, as a non-profit organization, Wellenbezwingen faces financial challenges. Many participants come from refugee backgrounds and lack the resources to fund such activities. The club relies on donations and is particularly grateful for the “Surf & Share” initiative with Surf Langenfeld, where every individual can financially support Wellenbezwingen e.V when booking their surf sessions.

Another challenge and therefore a good example of their work comes with the set up of the wave. While one person surfs, the others have to wait, while watching the surfer. This can quickly seem threatening and cause negative thoughts and performance anxiety. A common fear is failing in front of others. Therefore, they always make sure to actively create a friendly and supportive atmosphere on the wave by cheering and encouraging each other and offering support.

Surf and cheer, an artificial wave pool is perfect to watch and cheer each other

Since they always surf outdoors in Langenfeld, they are exposed to varying weather conditions throughout the year. On the positive side, this close connection to nature offers valuable lessons in embracing challenges and turning them into opportunities. However, it also means the club has to pause its activities during the winter months.

“A wider range of local indoor and outdoor waves could help us combine the advantages of both, surfing indoor in the winter months and experiencing nature during the summer season outdoors.”


Since 2020, Wellenbezwingen e.V has successfully run annual projects for children and youth with refugee backgrounds. Starting with a single surf week, the organization now offers monthly surf sessions and two full surf weeks during school holidays. The program runs from April to October. It includes participants from previous years and newcomers, with ages ranging from 12 to 20. While the club started with around 10 children in 2020, this year they had to limit the number of participants to 25 due to the capacity.

Kids having a lot of fun on a UNIT Surf Pool, artificial wave

“We are particularly proud that both male and female children and young people feel addressed by our program and take part. Particularly with regard to the intercultural sensitivity of our work, it is important to us to create a safe space for everyone and to be able to say: In Neo we are all equal.”

In 2024, Wellenbezwingen launched a new project in collaboration with the Elterninitiative Herzkranker Kinder Köln e.V. The project focuses on children and youth with congenital heart defects. These individuals are often excluded from physical activities. The structure and safety features of the standing UNIT wave provide them with a safe and enjoyable experience. 

“This year we surfed with four young people from the initiative for children with congenital heart defects. We particularly benefited from the clear structure. Many support options on the wave, allowing us to introduce the young people to the joy of surfing, while offering them safety at the same time.”

The feedback from both participants and their families has been overwhelmingly positive. Wellenbezwingen e.V is currently planning a regular offering for this group.


There are many! As already described, some of their participants had to leave their home country as young children due to wars. Some even under the most dangerous conditions. One memorable moment involved a participant who had fled over the sea and, understandably, had developed a fear of water. With the support of other participants, he slowly built trust with the surfboard and the water, eventually paddling. On the sixth surf day, riding a wave for the first time. This emotional breakthrough was celebrated by everyone and is a powerful reminder of the impact of Wellenbezwingen e.V.

Not tire of doing good: Kids with difficult backgrounds learning how to surf on a unit wave pool

One of their most cherished traditions at the surf days developed somewhat by chance. At the end of each surf week, they began inviting the parents of the participants to witness their children’s accomplishments and bravery. In gratitude for the opportunities provided through the project, the parents would bring large amounts of food. The enjoyment of gathering became so significant that they decided to make it a regular part of the program. This tradition has strengthened the sense of community and also introduced them to many wonderful recipes.


Wellenbezwingen e.V plans to continue its core project with children and youth with refugee backgrounds, offering monthly surf sessions on the standing wave. They are also working on making the project with the Elterninitiative Herzkranker Kinder Köln e.V a regular occurrence.

Not tire of doing good: There are many ideas for future projects, including initiatives for schools and even therapeutic surfing programs. The club is excited about the growing interest in artificial wave surfing. The team sees this as a way to make the sport more accessible to landlocked communities. The team hopes to expand their “Surf & Share” concept to other locations, enabling more people to support projects like theirs. 

“We particularly hope that our project will encourage other people to get involved in projects that are close to their hearts.”

Not tire of doing good: Employee from a club in Cologne teaching surfing at surf Langenfeld on a unit surf pool

Wellenbezwingen e.V wants to be a pioneer in this and create a friendly atmosphere within the community. They want to support each other with ideas and projects, exchange knowledge and, above all, encourage each other, not tire and to do good.


The Wellenbezwingen team is a diverse group, united by their love for surfing. Some members, like Michael Baldauf, have a deep connection to the ocean and feel at home in the surf. Others discovered their passion for the sport through holidays or after joining the club. This mix of seasoned surfers and beginners gives the team an authentic, relatable way to connect with participants. Everyone shares experiences, what builds a supportive community in and out of the water.

Kids helping each other while learning how to surf

“Our experienced participants often take new employees by the hand and give them security. The experience that ultimately unites us on the wave is that we have found a place where we share friendship, solidarity and joy.”


Wellenbezwingen e.V is not just focused on surfing: The club aims to build a strong sense of community where friendship, mutual support, and shared experiences leave a lasting impact.

We at UNIT Surf Pool are looking forward to the upcoming projects. When we see how more and more participants conquer the waves and gain confidence and joy in the process, we are happy to continue with our vision of making surfing accessible to everyone, everywhere.

So, let’s not tire, and better do something good. If you have any questions, or an idea for a project, get in touch with Wellenbezwingen e.V.